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Monitoring Care Using the ContrOCC Visits Module

Our Visits module enables providers with electronic call monitoring systems (ECMS) to submit their care data directly to ContrOCC and better monitor carer visits to clients. The visit data is automatically assigned to the most appropriate care package and is used to make payments to providers and to charge clients.

We spoke to William Whittingham, from the Liverpool City Council Adult Services Team about the council’s experience of using the Visits module, which was implemented a few years ago.

How is the Module Used at Liverpool?

The provider uses an electronic call monitoring system to record data, with carers logging visits on their mobile phones. This is uploaded to the Provider Portal as a CSV file which is submitted to ContrOCC.

Improved Data Accuracy

Prior to implementing the module, providers would generate actuals but not necessarily make adjustments where care deviated from the plan. Deploying the Visits module means that variations are captured. Subsequently, both the data in the system, along with the resulting payments and charges are more accurate.

The module is flexible and can differentiate between a frustrated, missed, cancelled or a delivered call. Where care has not been commissioned, the visit can still be uploaded onto the system and remain unallocated until a care plan is added.

Liverpool has gone live with one provider where there are approximately 500 service users. The provider has commented that the implementation was smooth and that the benefits are evident. It has increased the accuracy of payments and charges, so the number of queried entries has decreased.


“The module has given us improved oversight of what care packages are really required. Where a client’s care plan specifies that they should receive an hour of care each day, but they consistently only receive 30 minutes, the Visits module makes it easy to spot this. The care plan can then be amended if necessary. It is beneficial for the council, as we can make sure we’re not overpaying.  This is of course advantageous for service users too, as they can make sure that they’re not overpaying, or being overcharged themselves.”

Better Oversight of the Care Plan

Liverpool also uses the overlapping visits report, which shows when a carer is in two places at once. This can occur where a carer forgets to log out, then goes to the next person and leaves the call still running. Where a call scheduled for half an hour it would sometimes be logged as a two hour call on the system.  Prior to this, explains William, “we would have just assumed that the call lasted for 2 hours. We also report on unmatched visits, which identifies where a visit cannot be matched with a service provision, i.e. because a care package hasn’t been commissioned by a social worker in the system yet.” The provision will sit on the system until the care plan is uploaded and the service is active and at that point they will be automatically matched. This helps to keep providers up to date with their payments too.

The Implementation Process

Before implementing the module, Liverpool carried out a thorough data cleansing exercise in conjunction with the provider adopting the system. SS references needed to be correct and service levels needed to be accurate before using the module. This involved a fair amount of work for both parties. There was also work to be done with the ECM provider before the ECM functionality was running smoothly. OCC are able to work with you and your ECM provider to ensure that functionality works as intended.

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