Full Event Coverage
Clear and easy to read records of all events, including full community-based events antenatally and postnatally, plus full in-unit events including triage and communication.
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Our maternity system, BadgerNet, is a fully paperless early pregnancy, gynaecology and maternity system which follows the whole course of a woman’s care and/or pregnancy, including all those involved in her care. All aspects are included as part of the overall service, with units opting to use features as and when they are ready.
With regular updates included in the service to ensure the system stays current and responds to requests, units can be assured that changes to national data sets, guidance and innovation won’t leave their system behind or with a large bill for changes.
As a centrally hosted solution, BadgerNet links with all BadgerNet Maternity and Neonatal sites across the UK. This means that units can be assured of having critical information where and when it is needed.
With a detailed governance model in place, units can also opt in to joining a single pregnancy record in their region. This allows units to write to the same pregnancy record, ensuring that information is on hand when needed.
As a managed service, our specialists are on site on a regular basis to ensure the system meets the needs of all its users. In addition, all sites benefit from updates due to innovation or changes in regulation. Each unit can then customise settings themselves to ensure the system and pathways support their care. Technology can be of greatest value when it is well supported by a team of specialists to work with end users and understand their needs.
Our Maternity & Neonatal solution, BadgerNet, offers a comprehensive, fully paperless system that supports the entire continuum of maternity and neonatal care. This system enhances patient safety, improves care coordination and supports compliance with national datasets and guidelines. BadgerNet ensures that critical information is available when and where it is needed. Find out more about our BadgerNet solution, download our brochure today.
If you’re struggling to find what you’re looking for, please explore our full selection of healthcare solutions. Our extensive selection is designed to meet the diverse needs of healthcare providers and patients. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of knowledgeable experts are ready to assist you.
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Clear and easy to read records of all events, including full community-based events antenatally and postnatally, plus full in-unit events including triage and communication.
Multiscreen CTG view for handover and planning, plus native CTG views available on iPad and desktop.
Clear and easy to read charting, including partogram, MEOWS, NEWS, Biometric and growth charts.
Paperless labour and birth available on iPad and desktop along with specialist views for anaesthetics, safeguarding and perinatal mental health.
Portal to support women accessing and interacting with their notes online, including personal care plans. This includes home blood pressure monitoring, which women can complete.
Detailed reporting and compliant with national datasets (SMR02, MSDS, etc.).